Creating a ceremony that suits your wants and needs is very important. With me you receive the time and dedication it takes to compose a ceremony that is made just for you!

The basic format of a traditional ceremony is as follows :: 

OPENING :: This is where friends and family members are thanked for their attendance. It can mean opening with a prayer and can include a paragraph or two on the basis of love and marriage. 

VOWS :: Some couples choose to write their own vows, of which I encourage. Words from the heart make it much more meaningful. However, some couples prefer a reading of vows. These vows can range from bible quotations to poems or prayers. 

I DOs :: The most important part of the ceremony. This can be worded and said in so many different ways. 

RINGS :: The exchange of rings.


OPTIONAL READING :: This can be included and can range from anything that could almost be a vow, a special poem, or a bible quotation. It could be an excerpt from a book or even a love note shared between the couple. 

CLOSING :: Where the wedding is brought to an end and the groom may kiss his new bride! 

PRONOUNCEMENT :: Presentation of the newly married couple. This can also include a statement inviting friends and family to join you at the reception. 

**Ceremony :: Please see Ceremonies!